30 Mayıs 2016 Pazartesi

Daily Update 4

I spent a lot of time today working on more higher level features for the renderer. I interfaced different types of parametrized compound curves. Implemented composed paths and some area combination functions typically found in vector graphics editors. I implemented nestable groups and geometric transformations for more complex operations. I did a lot of testing and fixed some hidden bugs mostly relating to the maths.

I again prepared a simple GIF demonstrating some features I spent the day on, showing how a relatively complicated 2D curve is parametrized by two sinusoidal components, visualized by the rotating circles. It shows how applying transformations to grouped objects can be helpful.
Parametrizing a curve.
I'll spend one or two more days on static drawing features, perhaps implement vectorized text and imported images. Then, hopefully, I'll complete this week by coding more dynamic components like parametrized motion tweens, keeping up with my schedule.

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